GlenQ focus on benefits of embracing long distance employee work arrangements
How often have you heard the phrase ‘the new normal’ during the last 18 months? At times it certainly seemed like nothing would ever be the same again.
And not everything will. The global pandemic has proved a catalyst for numerous lifestyle and workplace changes, some temporary, others surely due to become accepted as permanent adjustments to our daily existence.
Where does working from home fit on this axis? Will it be a case of never going back … or will ‘bring them back’ become the prevailing trend?
It’s a fascinating and evolving situation. Certain organisations are readily embracing fully remote working, some proposing a half-and-half compromise, others insisting best team performance comes from everyone being together.
Sound complicated? Perhaps it doesn’t have to be. Perhaps key is an open mind, a pragmatic outlook and genuine effort made to see things from a win-win perspective.
That’s the simple approach recently followed by Jersey-based trust and fiduciary experts GlenQ. With high expectations the solution adopted will result in winners all round.

‘I needed to move with my family to the UK,’ expands Richard Goodridge, senior manager of the company’s private wealth team, ‘to ensure access to specialist medical care needed by my recently born son. My initial assumption was that meant leaving GlenQ. But a thoughtful discussion resulted in a different solution – one that I quickly accepted.’
That solution was Richard continues in his present role but work from the UK rather than Jersey. And while compassion was one influencing factor, the straightforward arrangement presents practical benefits for GlenQ too.
‘Alongside wanting to support Richard and his family, we didn’t want to lose a valued member of staff,’ rationalises GlenQ principal Paul Glennon. ‘Moreover, the prospect of a UK-based team member presents real advantages for supporting our clients there, working with intermediaries and developing new business. If it could be made to work, the plan seemed like a win-win situation for all of us.’
Barriers to it working were considered and quickly discounted.
‘Enforced arrangements during the pandemic proved that technology permits full remote working,’ Richard elaborates. ‘Communication applications allow effective team working, while advanced security and cloud-based systems facilitate real-time online collaboration. This really is the new normal – it just works, whether you’re in a Jersey office or working from home in Leicester where we plan to live.’
Being in Leicester means that Richard will be close to extended family, with all the benefits that brings when raising four young children. And closer to UK-based clients and other GlenQ business contacts, which will benefit his ambitious company.

He’ll also – coincidently – be closer to the home of Leicester Tigers, one of the country’s leading rugby union teams. As a former semi-professional player and Jersey Rugby Academy coach, it’s one of the advantages Richard’s looking forward to.
So, is there anything to regret in the new arrangements?
‘I would’ve really regretted leaving GlenQ if that had been the outcome,’ he reveals. ‘Experience of employment with other local finance companies underlines how fortunate I am to work here.
‘Moving means not seeing my team daily in person, which is a regret. Technology is great but there’s some limitations when it comes to tuning-in to office banter or picking-up on personal issues. They’ll know I’m still around and very present, however, so there’s confidence the impact will be minimal.’
It will all be part of the new normal – for Richard, his family, his team and for GlenQ. Arrived at through open-minded thinking, a pragmatic outlook and genuine effort made to see things from a win-win perspective.